How I am Making Space for What I Love – My Writing


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I am leaving my previous posts as they are, including the large gap, in an effort at transparency. However, as you can see, I have been pretty absent for the last year. While I have done some writing and revising during that time, I would definitely put it on a hobby level of effort, not a professional endeavor.

My life has changed drastically as to my day job and financial situation, and stress makes it harder to be creative, at least for me. This absence has been the result. In a self-perpetuating cycle, the lack of creative outlet is, of itself, stressful.

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Writing Accountability & NaNoWriMo


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While I am gearing up in my head for NaNoWriMo, in truth, I am trying to reestablish more regular writing habits. One of the big steps I am taking, toward that goal, is accountability. Honestly, I suck at it, and on doing anything (especially writing) on any kind of schedule.

I’m working on it.

But hey, to be a writer, you have to write, and I have gotten out of the habit.

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The Status of My Writing & NaNoWriMo


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So, the blog is a fairly new thing and I thought that it would be a good idea to get us all on the same page, so to speak. The best way to go about that, in my opinion, is to tell you where I am in my processes and where I hope to be in the near future. I have some short- and long-term goals, and I hope that this blog will help me to remain enthusiastic and accountable about them.

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Paranormal Romance – Indulging the Fantasy


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I see Paranormal Romance as romance with fantasy aspects (beyond the obvious) as part of the world. Throw in those vampires and fairies and all the other aspects of Grimm’s Fairy Tales and Dracula, and The Swamp Thing, etc. that we loved to immerse ourselves in as kids (and adults) to illustrate our best Happily Ever After. Make Beauty and the Beast come true for us, even if just for a little while.

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